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Threads: 6
Members: 1
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Threads per day: 0.89
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Posts per member: 6
Threads per member: 6
Replies per thread: 0
Newest Member: Unix
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Welcome to Switch-Emu.com (0 replies)
Welcome to the "Discussion" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (0 replies)
Welcome to the "Projects, Ideas, and Development" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (0 replies)
Welcome to the "Emulators" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (0 replies)
Welcome to the "ROMs" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (0 replies)
Welcome to the "High Scores" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (0 replies)
Welcome to Switch-Emu.com (17 views)
Welcome to the "Discussion" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (11 views)
Welcome to the "Emulators" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (11 views)
Welcome to the "ROMs" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (11 views)
Welcome to the "Projects, Ideas, and Development" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (10 views)
Welcome to the "High Scores" section of Switch-Emu Forum! (8 views)